If you want the freedom to be more active, contact lenses are an excellent alternative to glasses. Our handy guide will help you find out what types of contact lenses are right for you and the benefits which they can bring.

Daily disposable

Used to correct short or long sightedness, daily disposables are the healthiest and most convenient way to wear contact lenses. There is no need for solutions and they give you a fresh, clear lens every day. 


If you are looking for the most economical option, reusable contacts are the lenses for you. Monthly contact lenses and two-weekly contact lenses are used to correct short or long sightedness. Rather than being disposed of at the end of the day, these lenses can be cleaned, then stored in a contact lens case until you wear them again. Some of these contact lenses can also be slept in. Reusable contact lenses should be replaced every two or four weeks with a new pair. 


Astigmatism is caused by the shape of your eye and results in blurry or distorted vision at all distances, varying with the strength of the astigmatism. It is a common condition that affects both children and adults. Astigmatic contact lenses are specially designed to fit the shape of astigmatic eyes. They are available as daily or reusable contact lenses.


As you get older, the lens of your eye becomes less flexible making it harder to adjust your focus from near to far objects. This makes reading more difficult. Presbyopia is a very common condition that affects almost everyone. Multifocal contact lenses have the technology that allow you to see both near and far. 

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Elliott opticians are delighted to introduce

MiSight® 1 day contact lenses:

proven to help slow down short-sightedness in children.

To find out if these lenses are suitable for your child please drop in or give us a call.

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What is short-sightedness?

Short-sightedness, also called myopia, typically happens because the eyeballs are too long and causes blurry distance vision. It usually starts around 8-12 years old and continues to get progressively worse until the child stops growing. The younger a child is when they first become short-sighted, the worse their prescription is likely to become. Most children who become short-sighted at a young age are often totally reliant on glasses to see by the time they have stopped growing.

Being reliant on glasses to see well leads to greater challenges in many aspects of everyday life – especially when growing up. Later in life, short-sightedness can lead to eye health and vision issues; the more short-sighted you are, the greater these risks become. That’s why it’s really important to look at ways to slow down the speed at which short-sightedness progresses.

Is there anything I can do?

Regular eye examinations are essential for children to make sure that they are seeing as well as possible and we can discuss strategies to reduce the risk of becoming short-sighted.

If your child is already short-sighted, you may have already experienced the need to change the prescription regularly leading to stronger glasses. Updating the glasses prescription helps with vision but does nothing to slow the speed at which the prescription changes as the eyeball continues to grow.

Introducing MiSight® 1 day contact lenses.

MiSight® 1 day contact lenses have been specifically designed to help slow down the speed at which short-sightedness develops. They look and feel like ordinary one day soft contact lenses but they have a very different optical design called ActivControl™ Technology. In fact, clinical studies with MiSight® 1 day show that the speed of short-sightedness progression is slowed down by more than half compared to ordinary vision correction.2* This means they may be less reliant on glasses but most importantly, the risk of future eye health problems is reduced.

To find out more about MiSight® 1 day lenses please get in touch with us.

To find out more about myopia click on the link below:
